Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekly Poll Result 7

Link to us: http://sn.im/v01l6

Good evening to all my readers and this is Jason Goh here and I'm going to continue my next weekly poll result on the previous post. The poll question that we posted last week is regarding about 'In your experience, what's your main purpose or expectation when you enter I.C?'.

The result and respond from our participant are all basically equal because there is relation between all the expectation when a customer or user enters I.C. The choices of answers are gaming, comfort, toilet, speed connection and design of I.C.

33% for each responded gaming purposes, comfort and design of I.C. It's obvious that user and customer visits I.C for gaming purposes. Mostly are youngsters who visits I.C and even adults also do visit however they're also for gaming purposes.

Thus, everyone do expect for comfortable environment, with a comfortable environment, customer feels comfortable to do their work or play their game. The mains are the coldness of the environment, chair, food and beverage plays big role in it.

For the third same percentage is design of I.C. Why do design of I.C play role? Usually this will occur to a new opening I.C. An I.C who just start business usually will come up with a promotion of cheaper price or free gaming and the deign must be set nicely such as position of the tables and chairs, wallpaper and counter.

Last but not least is the 2 result that nobody supported are toilet and speed connection. User or customer do not purposely visit I.C for their toilets. However for connection speed, customer do not also purposely visit I.C to evaluate the connection speed. Main thing is that if the internet is working than the customer is fine.

That's all for the result this week. Thank You to all our readers who participated the poll quiz and hope to get good feedback from you guys.
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