Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Internet Cafe furniture

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Hi everyone, David here. Today I will like to talk about the topic about Internet Café Furniture. Besides design your own Internet Café, you also have to choose the right furniture for your café in order to attract more customers. Choosing the right furniture is also has to depend on your target market. If you mainly just want to have more customers and more computers which is efficiency way, then you have a lot of options to choose.

When come to furniture, there have two main points you have to concern. Which are you can do it in efficiency way and make the Internet Cafe to an upmarket which is target the coffee drinker with a wide range of Internet services. In the upmarket way, there are just basic in term of computer terminal furniture, but the cafeterias are very stylish. For example,


(Image source from:

From the efficiency way, you can imagine that all the computers are located very near each other and are very pack. In the early days of Internet Café in mid-90s, the décor in almost every Internet Café was looked very dull and boring. But now the world is keep changing, most cafés have updated their look to a more eye-pleasing level. For example,


(Image source from:

Moreover, you can also arrange some sofas to your Internet Café if you have more space. Sofa is also very popular among those customers who waiting their friends to log off from the computer or those who come to access your wireless network with their laptop if you provided.

(Source of reference: Internet Café Furniture, accessed on 3rd Feb 2010, URL:

Have a nice day…